Category: Human Resources

June 25, 2014 Aileen Gilpin No comments exist

Focusing on the hiring process is an important aspect in running a business, but many business owners and managers overlook an important factor during the hiring process: retention. In order for your hiring efforts to be effective, it is necessary to look at retention as well… because hiring has a direct impact on employee retention….

May 26, 2014 Aileen Gilpin No comments exist

If you are in the interviewing process to hire a new employee, then there are a few warning signs to watch for so that you can avoid hiring a bad employees. There’s nothing worse than hiring someone, only to find out that they aren’t a good fit for your company. It can be expensive to…

May 13, 2014 Aileen Gilpin No comments exist

DENVER, CO — Make certain you’re presenting yourself as the candidate of choice. Identify the current needs of the marketplace and position yourself in ways that will attract attention. Pay special consideration to job requirements that appear frequently in the postings for your line of work. Become highly searchable. Know the keywords for your industry…