New Year, New Opportunities

January 10, 2015 Aileen Gilpin No comments exist

After the bustle of the holidays have subsided, it is exciting to think about what the New Year and the new opportunities ahead.

For many, the New Year starts off with reflecting on what took place last year. I say STOP REFLECTING and START EXPLORING. That’s right exploring the new opportunities in front of you. Perhaps you will explore a new relationship, take charge of your health, discover a new job or change careers. Speaking of exploring, take hold of that excitement you feel within you and discover the possibilities.

Many experts are saying that the employment market is the strongest it has been in six years. People are feeling more confident about seeking new opportunities and career transitions. Here are some tips to help you improve your resume or online profiles.

Resume Ready

It is still said that having a clean, concise, and spell-checked one-page resume is preferred. The use of power words in key areas of your resume is sure to keep your resume in the call back pile. Use words such as: experience, management, project, development, professional, knowledge, team, and leadership. And stay away from using words: me, hard worker, detail oriented, or player.

Online Profiles/Resumes

As for your online resume, make certain that it mirrors your written resume with the layout and timeline but feel free to add more depth in your writing. Using action verbs and keywords in your online profiles helps recruiters and hiring authorities stay engaged while reading. Use words such as: achieved, completed, expanded, improved, reduced, resolved, spearheaded, or transformed.

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