August 28, 2012 Aileen Gilpin 3 comments

“A business without a dream is like a life without a purpose.” ~ Michael Gerber

Last week the West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs hosted a program ‘SUCCESSion‘. Since the event it made me re-evaluate some of the processes I have in my business, as well as, the processes I do for my clients.

Being self-employed it is so easy to overlook the value of what you have created. For me the stage I am in for succession planning is to build my work environment on systems. During the program the panelists shared a tip with us to start out with something as simple as taking something that you do repeatedly and create it into a template, by doing this you are creating a process.  Well, since the program I have created about a dozen templates and I am on a roll.

Succession planning for me right now is a mindset. The mindset for putting processes and systems in place so I can take a look forward a few years in my vision for my business. It is not about the when, where and who may buy the business.  Make sense?  It might not to you but to me it does and I have three extraordinary women to thank for that, the panelists on the ‘SUCCESSion‘ program:  Sue Reardon, The Growth Coach; Catherine Riddick, XPonent Group, Ltd., and Nancy Fallon-Houle, Nancy Fallon-Houle, P.C.

With this recent happening it made me revisit with a book I bought when I first went into business for myself. This book is very informative and an integral part in building a succession plan.

E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

If you are a business owner and have not read this book, go get it now. The tag line of the book is, “Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It”.

It’s been recommended as a pivotal book by many millionaires. The book specifically talks about systems in your business, and walks through the start-up and growth using examples.

3 Comments on “SUCCESSion

  1. Thanks for the mention, Aileen. So glad that you took away good information from the WSWE discussion. Even more important, that you are taking action. Congratulations! Keep going! — Sue

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