Recruiting Challenges to Overcome

January 14, 2014 Aileen Gilpin No comments exist

Whether you are recruiting a few employees at a time, or recruiting for a company always on the search for new employees, there are a few recruiting challenges to overcome. The job market is quickly changing, which is why you need to keep up with the current trends in order to understand the steps that need to be taken to hire talented employees.

Competition Will be Tougher

It may be easy to hire cheap employees with basic skills, but the competition for top-level talent is increasing. Many companies are becoming more aggressive to attract the right employees, which means the recruiters are likely searching for candidates who might not be looking for a job because they already have good employment with another company. Because of the tough competition, you might see a higher number of counteroffers as well as more situations where the selected candidate will turn down the job for another opportunity.

Employer Branding is an Essential Element of Recruiting

Since the competition for talented employees is increasing, it means that employer branding is becoming more important. In order to attract the right people for your company, it is necessary to take extra steps to build the right brand for the company. If a potential employee researches the company, what information are they going to find online? Reputation management is one of the best ways to create a good image for your company, so that potential candidates will see that the company has much to offer.

Technology Will Continue to Advance

In 2013, we saw that the mobile platform started to emerge in the job search industry, and it will become even more important in 2014. More and more people are using their mobile device to search for jobs, which is why you must be proactive to be sure that your job listings are easily accessible on the mobile platform.

Online Video Interviewing Will Be Common Practice

Job candidates are starting to see more situations where video interviewing is used in the preliminary stages of the hiring process. The job seekers are becoming more comfortable with the idea of sitting in front of a computer camera to talk about themselves, and these skills also must be used by a recruiter as well. Even though you are the one conducting the interview, it can be a little stressful to manage the interview over the internet if you aren’t familiar with the technology. Make it a point to learn more about online interviewing, and use it as a tool to screen potential candidates.

You can see that the recruiting industry is constantly changing, making it harder and harder to keep up with the new trends. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the recruiting needs of your company, you may consider hiring a recruiter to handle everything for you. Working with a recruiter is one of the best ways to reduce the stress associated with hiring new employees.

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