Posted by Aileen Gilpin on August 6, 2012

What Can You Outsource This Month? Collect Contact Information


Need specific information about current or prospective clients? With a little research performed by a Virtual Assistant you can collect all the data you need, including phone numbers, email addresses, social media links, etc. They can then enter the collected data into spreadsheets, documents, address books… whatever is most useful to you.

Interested in support from a Virtual Assistant?
Call or email me today! Remember that we work as a team, so don’t worry if this is not your area of expertise.

Please help spread the word!
Please share this email with your friends and colleagues. We offer a 20% discount for referrals! This discount is valid toward your 1st month of service and will be automatically applied to your invoice.

Posted by Aileen Gilpin on August 3, 2012

8 Tips for managing your job search while employed

Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons. Whatever your reasons are for leaving, job searching while employed requires secret agent-like discretion and stealth. So to channel your inner secret agent consider the following covert moves: (more…)

Posted by Aileen Gilpin on July 23, 2012

[Productivity Monday] 2 Great ways to get stuff done

Abridged: PickTheBrain

As a Virtual Assistant it is my job to keep my clients productive in their business, whether I’m knocking off the tasks on their to-do lists or holding “them” accountable for a certain task at hand.  Recently, it’s been the latter of the two.

This month I stumbled across two very cool ideas as it pertains to productivity – and I think they are important because they are so easily overlooked. Both are worth noting and then incorporating into your routine – they are great habits to form.

So without further ado,

Here are 2 Great ways to get stuff done:

1. Don’t wait for the right mood: Our ‘moods’ are some of the biggest detractors to productivity. How many times have you heard yourself say “ugh, i don’t feel like doing this right now’. Let me be frank, your mood or how you feel are totally irrelevant to the task at hand. Whether you’re happy, sad, mad, depressed etc…stuff still needs to happen, things need to get done. And the fact of the matter is, if the task at hand we’re awesome, you’d probably have no problem doing it – but because it’s not awesome you’re less inclined – but here’s the kicker, the task is not going to get better by waiting for another mood. If you are concerned with your mood – what is more practical to do is think of the great mood you’ll be in once you’ve accomplished something. That sense of satisfaction is a great mood enhancer – and it’s something you can have control over. It’s a no brainer. Get it done now. How does that quote go? ‘If not me, who? If not now, when?’

2. Dont’ wait for the right time: There is no time like the present. It’s as simple as that. Waiting for the right time is the purest form of procrastination, and the surest productivity killer. The best way to mass efficiency, is obviously to plan as detailed a schedule as you can – but don’t become a slave to that schedule. Often when you’re hesitating on doing something it’s the last to get attention in that schedule and is often bumped. It is so liberating to get the mundane or the challenging stuff out of the way. So you can really enjoy the rest of the week.

Try focusing on these 2 tactics this week and as always I’d love your thoughts, feedback and comments! If you’re still having trouble being productive a Virtual Assistant may be the answer. Give me a call and we can talk about what is on your task list or how I can help you remain accountable. I am here to help!

Posted by Aileen Gilpin on July 9, 2012

What Can You Outsource This Month? Sales Leads

Sales Leads!

Without sales, you don’t have business. But if you’re spending time meeting prospective clients and servicing existing customers, it’s hard to find new leads. A Virtual Assistant can find and research individuals, companies, and technologies, via blogs, websites and forums.  They can prepare reports and briefs to help you determine who to contact next. With the right information in hand you can focus on developing new business relationships instead of having to spend time researching.

Sales FunnelInterested in support from a Virtual Assistant?
Call or email me today! Remember that we work as a team, so don’t worry if this is not your area of expertise.

Call us today (815) 886-0564 to schedule your complimentary consultation.  Visit our services to learn more about how we can help you today.

Please help spread the word!

Please share this email with your friends and colleagues. We offer a 20% discount for referrals! This discount is valid toward your 1st month of service and will be automatically applied to your invoice.

Posted by Aileen Gilpin on June 28, 2012

10 Reasons You Need … a Day Off

When you are running your own business, particularly one from home, balancing your time or taking time off can be a challenge. Inevitably, the to-do list is too long or you receive an email at 9.53pm that you just have to answer there and then.

Here’s 10 ways you can tell you’re overdue for a day off

  1. It’s Thursday, but you believe your kids/partner/mother when they tell you its Friday and you think you’ve been on the computer for so long you missed a day.
  2. You give an exasperated sigh and yell “in a minute!” when the microwave goes off – does no one understand how busy you are.
  3. You start using the washing machine as a timer to make sure you get off your chair and go outside.
  4. You hear the washing machine beep although you can’t remember if the cycle ended five minutes ago or two days ago.
  5. You forget exactly where “outside” is and how to get there from your office.
  6. You speak to people in emoticons and acronyms, i.e. “That was funny, LOL.”
  7. Your family resembles seagulls and have gone beyond “I’m hungry” and have started begging you to “please go shopping for food!”
  8. You’re asked what you’re up to on the weekend and have to dredge your brain to recall what the term actually means.
  9. You’ve located your shoes in the freezer on more than one occasion, but you’re not overly bothered because you haven’t had a need to wear them.
  10. Your default statement is “give me a minute!” whenever someone speaks to you.

In fact, these 10 reasons are also the reasons that it may be time to hire a Virtual Assistant. You can be running your business and your home more efficiently and I am here to help you achieve a greater work/life balance.